Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The New Normal

For the next 9 and 1/2 weeks (so few already??), this is the new normal. I'm sitting downstairs, ignoring a fresh pile of clean laundry, watching my son nap on the baby monitor. He just stirred a bit, but he has about 9 more minutes before he wakes up and realizes that he is HUNGRY.

Yes, my awesome kid is already on that much of a schedule. I love it.

I'm going to try to get better about posting now that he is here and life is beginning to slow down again. If nothing else I can at least throw up a picture or two on occasion. Forgive me if I fail, I promise I'm trying!

So, here are some pictures - these are from the past 20 days and mostly taken by my mom since I was too preoccupied with feeding him and getting as much sleep as I could while mom was here.

I swore I'd never post the "I just had a baby" picture, but thanks to Little Man's 10 minutes of active labor, I think I can confidently say that I do not look like I just got hit by a truck as I crossed the finish line of a marathon....so, here it is.

Here is the part where I get to fall in love with Frank all over again as he begins his new role of "Daddy."

At home and napping in the moses basket made by Grammie.

He makes awesome faces.

Already a tradition, LM's first I would say - passing out on Dad while watching baseball. Here's to a summer full of these kinds of naps!

1 comment:

  1. Love it, love it...know you are busy, but do try to keep writing. Grammie misses her boy! xoxoxo
