Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for our son. He has made my new role a joy with very few hiccups! Little Man jumped onto the schedule bandwagon from the moment it was introduced! He is happy to eat on a schedule, and before I could implement it he created his own nap schedule to accompany the eating schedule!

Thanks to his willingness to sleep (got that from me) and eat on a schedule, we are within days of sleeping through the night! This week he has come within an hour of 6am more than once, and frankly, 5:30am is just fine with me when we're talking about the final feeding being at 10pm (that, of course, preceded by his self-scheduled 8:30pm nap/sleep time).

So really, he gets up for the day around 6am and puts himself to bed at 8:30 only to be awakened by me at 10 and then going right back to sleep.

Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayers and sending me a child that exceeds all of my hopes and dreams, and who turns my fears into joy!

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