Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I haven't done one of these in a while, but that doesn't mean I'm not thankful! I am thankful for many things in my life, I just don't always have time to sit down and write about it.

Today, I'd like to highlight my thankfulness for my husband - particularly in the area of cloth diapering.

Those two things may seem a bit unrelated, but I couldn't be doing cloth without his support. He has been supportive from the start!

1. When I said "hey, I've been thinking about cloth diapering, I'd like to consider it/look into it" he said "ok." He didn't say "no" or "that'll last a week" or "that is too much work" or any of the other easy excuses that people come up with off hand. He said "ok" and then he listened to me and let me make the case for our family and cloth diapers.

2. He trusted me as I navigated the process of building our stash of diapers. It is not an inexpensive endeavor, but he never questioned the cost. He trusted me that with some up front cost there would be long-term savings. I never once got a sideways look from him as I spent a couple (few) hundred dollars on things that were to be pooped in.

3. He jumped right in! When Little Man was big enough to get into cloth (took a couple months, he had skinny little thighs!) he was ready to go. There was no hesitation, no wanting to keep using disposables, he was all in.

4. While he doesn't enjoy doing diaper laundry (who does?), he does it when it needs to be done. He'll even help me stuff them if he has to (read: LM is completely out of diapers), and he doesn't complain!

I honestly could not have gotten up the courage to try cloth on my own, and while it is a decision I'd make again in a heart beat, it is a lot easier to maintain when I have such great support from Frank throughout the process. LM would run out of diapers a lot more often if Frank weren't such a willing and awesome husband and dad!

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