Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Little Man's Dedication

Last Sunday, Frank and I made some big promises to Little Man. We made promises about how we will parent, how we will teach him, how we will love him, and how we will do better than our best with the help of the Lord.

The Pastor who lead the service is the Pastor for children & families at our church. He is a very nice man and I'm excited about the prospect of Little Man getting to grow up attending the fantastic programs that Pastor Owen has implemented.

Little Man was very attentive through our part of the service. He has gotten really good at looking at whomever is speaking, so he did a great job of following the action. The congregation had a few opportunities to laugh, and while LM looked shocked he never cried!

The Pastor threw us an unexpected question (LM's birthday) and Frank wasn't prepared to answer. This was the source of congregational laughter, but in his defense we didn't know the question was coming and I would have hesitated, too.

My favorite thing (and the one thing we didn't take pictures of) was that we had more than 15 people come to support us and Little Man! Frank and I felt so blessed to have so much love poured out on our little guy. We have some awesome friends, and they made that day one that will be remembered for a long time.


  1. AND he had some awesome angora booties!!! Wish we could have been there too - we miss you guys.

  2. Lovely pictures...precious moments. So grateful for Little Man, you and Frank and your dear friends. What a wonderful church family you have. And I agree with Megan, the booties were beautiful and perfect. Thanks for the write up and the pics.
