Sunday, August 28, 2011


Rutledge has a new home, and a new name; William.

He lives on Capitol Hill now, and is having a ball! His new owner is a sweet woman who loves bassets and has quite the resume for it. She has worked with every basset rescue group in the region, as well as a handful of general canine rescue groups. She has owned many bassets, usually adopting them in old age, so she knows all of the ins and outs of basset ownership.

William lives only a couple of blocks from a fantastic dog park, has a 3yr old yellow lab for a roommate, and has already been on two weekend field trips to the dog beach and a house full of bassets (House of Puddles)! I'm pretty sure he has completely forgotten about us, and that is ok.
Our decision to re-home him has been affirmed for us in many ways, the biggest of which is Hamilton's health and happiness. It was almost immediately noticeable, Hamilton is so much better off as the only dog. He is happier, healthier, and more interactive than he's been since we first brought Rutledge home.

I still miss Rutledge/William, especially because he was so snuggly, but life is much better here now that he is gone. I can handle walking Hamilton and pushing a stroller by myself, I never could have managed two dogs and a stroller. Hamilton likes to sleep in on weekends, so when Henry allows it, too, everyone gets the extra rest. Hamilton has become more loving with us, and spends more time in the room with us rather than away from everyone in another room like he used to do. William already has, and will continue to have an awesome life on the Hill, and now Hamilton will get that same chance at a happy long life with us.

Thanks for the snuggles, R, you're a sweet dog and I'll always love you!

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