Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm Excited About: Moving Again?!

Ok, so I'm actually not excited about moving again but I'm trying to at least not be completely depressed. The owner of the duplex is selling it at the end of our lease and as we're not in a position to make an offer, we're packing up and moving again.

There are good things and less than good things about this news. I'll start with the less than good things and end on the good things!

Less Than Good:

-We're either going to be moving the week of my due date, or one month after the due date. This is less than ideal because I could actually be in labor while we're in transition, OR we could have a 1 month old child during our move. Not ideal, but oh well!

-I'm tired of moving. I enjoy living in a 'home' environment and that takes time and energy to create, while we didn't ever really put our full efforts into our current place I'm not really excited to have to start over entirely somewhere else.

-We're going to be paying more rent and have less storage no matter where we go

-The potential new place doesn't have a fenced yard for the pups, so we're back to taking the dogs out when they have 'business'

-I won't get to 'nest' like I want to because we'll be in transition.

Good Things:

-The realtor who is selling our place is a sweet woman and is working really hard to help us make the transition as easy as possible. She even lobbied to have the owner let us out of our lease a month early so we wouldn't be stuck paying double rent - and so that she can show the house on the market BEFORE the baby comes! (Baby, please don't come more than 14 days early, though you are now welcome to come up to 9 days late)

-We already have a very strong lead on a new home! It is a 2.5 bedroom house that is about the same amount of square footage as our current place, but it is a free standing home - no neighbors through the walls! It is close to church, still in Arlington, an easy commute for me, etc etc.

-The landlord at this potential new place is a wonderful woman and we have it on good authority (our friends have lived there for 1.5 years now) that she is a fantastic landlord and appreciates good tenants. This is a perk that is priceless to me. I'm tired of distant owners, management companies, and corporations that really don't care about you and your family. This would not be the case at the house, quite the opposite really!

-We now have the reason and opportunity to cleanse our lives of more 'things.' You know, the stuff that accumulates because you have room for it and you 'might use it one day for something?' Yeah, we're getting rid of that before the move - if we've moved it 2 times and not used it or even thought about it, we're not moving it again.

-It looks like we'll be getting a dishwasher! new baby+bottles+dishwasher=yay!

-Walking the dogs twice daily will be good for them and for us. And with the potentially reasonable landlord, perhaps some sort of temporary dog-run can be installed over time.

-We're looking at signing a 2 year lease, which means we'd stay put for more than 12 months! Something we have yet to do since we got married. (When we move in March/April we will have been married for 3 years and we'll be settling into our 4th home.)

-I'm hoping that all of my 'nesting' instincts will make the packing, sorting, donating, life-cleansing an efficient process. When it hits, it is strong, so as long as I have somewhere to direct the energy I think I can get a lot accomplished before I'm too big to move around comfortably.

Goodness, what a life!

I hope that I'm not coming off as whiny, we really are trying to take all of this in stride knowing that God knows His plans for us and He won't give us things that we can't handle. It won't be easy, He never promised that, but it is possible and it will work out somehow!

Mostly for now this means that there won't be any more "look at this room" posts because starting this weekend it all starts coming down and getting boxed up. (Even though I did just hang three pictures upstairs, oh well) Just think, next time I have a "look what I did to decorate" post it will likely be a nursery in a new house! Isn't that exciting?!

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