Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm Excited About: Sleep

We had a small victory last night - we slept!

We've been trying different things to get Rutledge to sleep peacefully through the night and last night I decided that we would let both dogs stay on the bed in the living room and see how it goes. The big risk was that R tends to be a bit destructive when left uncrated (mostly trash, paper, and occasionally electrical wires), but we were getting desperate.

Frank and I went up to bed and left the hounds snuggled on their bed. No one got up to follow us, no one wandered up to whine at our door, it seemed to be working!

At 2am I woke up to whining. But it wasn't Rutledge, it was Hamilton! He was whining at the back door because he needed to go out. I let both dogs out, picked up the piece of junk mail that R had begun to demolish, and then brought them back in and sent them to the basement. I crated R and had H snuggle into his bed, then went back upstairs and....SLEPT UNTIL MY ALARM WENT OFF AT 7:04AM.

So, it wasn't a total victory as I did have to get up at 2, but I am sure I was back asleep by 2:15 and then slept for nearly 5 more hours.

We know that R still gets into trouble when left unattended, but at least we got some reasonable sleep last night!

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