Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hamilton's Progress

Hamilton had his yearly vet check up this past weekend and came away with a clean bill of health! He has regained the weight he lost during his Addison's episode, and the vet said that if she didn't know he had it she wouldn't suspect it from the exam.

We're happy that our elder hound is back to being healthy, and that the steroids are working! Now we'll order his hormones and start that daily pill at the end of the month. Lucky for us, Hamilton is a champ when it comes to taking pills - he gets his steroid every morning, and has been taking 2 benedryl at every meal for over a year now, with no complaints! Just drop it in his food bowl and he'll eat it!

So, we'll still be watching him as we switch him to oral hormone therapy but at least we know that his condition can be managed.

The vet said that she didn't see any reason that Hamilton wouldn't live a full long basset life as long as we keep his condition under control. Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. Glad Hamilton got a clean bill of health! Is he ready for the little one?
