Friday, November 27, 2009

I'm excited about

Date night! Frank and I are going on a date in Massachusetts, either tonight or tomorrow night and I can't wait! And there is more...

We're making it a double date, taking Frank's parents on a date with us - so they are having date night too! And there is more...

We're going to see The Blind Side which very well may become my favorite movie of 2009, or even make it into my 'favorite movies of all time' list! I love a good sports movie that runs on themes of overcoming circumstance and racial tensions. I'm also a big fan of it being based on a true story. Overcoming the kinds of things that this family did wouldn't be nearly as impactful if it weren't true - anyone can tell a nice story, but these people lived it.

So, there is my 'I'm excited' post for the week - looks like this will become a Friday tradition.

I hope you had a wonderful Turkey Day!

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