Ours is the white door on the right. If it were my house, I would paint the door red.
I would also add shutters.
This is the side of the house, it gives you an idea of the size inside.
The back yard (freshly cut, thank you frank!) is a great size! Enough room for two tables (about 20 people), bocce, and a dog all at once. This view is from the driveway.
Our friends, the Alexanders, gave us their grill because they are moving to Kansas (yay! and boo! at the same time)
thanks for the tour honey. Now I can place you in space again! I love the look of your home--what fun and what a blessing to have such a great back yard! The similar houses and floor plans reminds me of Hillsboro Road--you may recall that the Kratts and Nelsons had the exact same floor plan as we did. That's why I didn't freak out when it turned out the Walter's house is our floor plan here! I agree about the door and shutters...but there is always time--or (gasp) you'll move again. In the meantime you could (notice the mother said could not should, use window boxes and some sort of summer wreath on the door to give your spot some color. Just a thought. I love to think of the history of your neighborhood over the years, all the families, children, dogs, cats, the rise of cars, etc. since before the war...Wouldn't it be fun to find old pictures somewhere? You're talking about a time when Nana was in jr. high and Papa was at Augusta!! Have you found a good place to walk Hamilton? I know he enjoys his neighbors. ;-) Again, thanks for the tour. I love it! xoxoxo